Monday, 24 March 2014

Styles of high heels

So, I've told you the original and the modern day purposes of high heels. I've explained why people wear high heels and how heels have developed over ages. Not only that, but I've also thrown in a few pictures just to spruce things up a bit. Don't worry though, this post will be minimum pictures, I promise, as this is when I'll be telling you about all the different kind of heels which means LOTS of pictures!

Platform heels
Platforms are distintly recognized by the large area beneath the toe section of the high heels. This is called a 'platform' and hense  these shoes are get their name simply from their giveaway feature. Don't worry now not all platforms have to be stupidly high the classic platform heel fails to exceed one or two centimeters, but in recent times these crazy creations have become very popular amongst yound adults and teens.
Wedge heels
Wedge heels literally do what they say on the tin. Unlike platforms heels they don't have an isolated heels but instead have a continuous 'block' from the back of the heels to the front creating a wedge. Wedges come in all kind of different colours, shapes and sizes and more often than not theyre a lot more practical and a LOT easier to walk in!
Kitten heels
Kitten HeelsKitten heels are a classic! They're easily identified by their low heels and no platform. Kitten heels are mainly worn by thr older generation but theyre known world wide by all generations. Personally, thye're not my cup of tea but it's up to the buyer. What do you think..?

Stilettos, the ultimate sign of feminism. If you've never heard of these shoes you must be livinmg under a rock. Stilettos are the classic high heels. They have an isolated heel and a flat sole beneath the toe. Stilettos are the foundation for many other high heels like the platform or the kitten heel like i mentioned above. Stilettos are classy, glamourous and a personal favorite of mine. What do you think?

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